Founded in 1983
Guildford Saints Football Club was founded in 1983 with an ethos of providing the opportunity for players of all abilities to play football
38 Teams
GSFC offer development football for 5-6 yr olds. Sunday league football for boys & girls teams from U7 – U18, Ladies team (open age), PAN disability teams for all ages, junior and adult (physical & learning disabilities), mixed Walking football sessions for players aged 45+ plus Futsal sessions/teams at various ages.
FA Qualified Coaches
All GSFC teams are managed by coaches who have attained L1/L2 coaching qualifications, 1st Aid, Safeguarding Children certification and hold verified DBS certification.

FA Charter Standard
England Accreditation: FA Chartered Standard Development Club since 2006. GSFC has been awarded FA Development Club of the year 2007-2009, 2020 + 2022.
Professional Coaches
GSFC provide Professional Coaches for all training sessions in all age groups. Our Pro Coaches led by our Director of Coaching: Kevin Wilson-Wild (UEFA A, BSC (Hons) Degree Sports Coaching, Psychology degree) hold a minimum L2 certification, 1st Aid, Safeguarding Children certification together with verified DBS certification. To find out more about our Pro-Coaches head to our Information page.